

1. 背景

文章标题:Release from sexual selection leads to rapid genome-wide evolution in Aedes aegypti
发表期刊:Current Biology
一作及通讯:Claudia A.S. Wyer(英国帝王理工学院) 和 Brian Hollis(美国南卡罗来纳大学哥伦比亚分校)

2. 摘要

2.1 Highlights

  • Sexual selection is important for retaining genetic similarity to field populations
  • Chemosensory genes evolve rapidly in response to the removal of sexual selection
  • Reduced expression of pickpocket315 affects male mating phenotype
  • 性选择,对保持相对于野外种群的基因相似性很重要
  • 性选择削弱时,化学感受基因会迅速进化
  • 基因pickpocket315的表达下降,会影响雄性交配的表型

2.2 In brief

Wyer et al. find that Aedes aegypti evolve rapidly in response to the elimination of sexual selection, with major genomic divergence in chemosensory genes. Populations evolving with sexual selection retain greater genetic similarity to their ancestors, highlighting the importance of maintaining sexual selection in captive populations.

2.3 Summary

The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, mates in flight as part of ephemeral aggregations termed swarms. Swarms contain many more males than females, and males are thought to be subject to intense sexual selection. However, which male traits are involved in mating success and the genetic basis of these traits remains unclear. We used an experimental evolution approach to measure genome-wide responses of Ae. aegypti evolved in the presence and absence of sexual selection. These data revealed for the first time how sexual selection shapes the genome of this important species. We found that populations evolved under sexual selection retained greater genetic similarity to the ancestral population and a higher effective population size than populations evolving without sexual selection. When we compared evolutionary regimes, we found that genes associated with chemosensation responded rapidly to the elimination of sexual selection. Knockdown of one high-confidence candidate gene identified in our analysis significantly decreased male insemination success, further suggesting that genes related to male sensory perception are under sexual selection. Several mosquito control technologies involve the release of males from captive populations into the wild. For these interventions to work, a released male must compete against wild males to successfully inseminate a female. Our results suggest that maintaining the intensity of sexual selection in captive populations used in mass-releases is important for sustaining both male competitive ability and overall genetic similarity to field populations.

3. Figure


A和B是根据等位基因频率进行的一个主成分分析。C是fixation index(Fst,群体间分化指数)。D是effective population size(Ne,有效种群大小)。E是染色体范围的核苷酸多样性。






  1. 全文在讲蚊子,但是正文+补充材料没有出现一只蚊子。
  2. 使用SNPEff这个工具,选出了一批具有高度和中度影响的候选基因。
  3. 从全基因范围的SNP入手,最终也仅在12个高影响基因中,找到了一个具有显著表型的PPK315基因。
  4. 不是相关领域,就读到这里吧,没怎么仔细读。